I never thought of myself as someone who really cared about the environment (I partially blame it on my education in Singapore). When people talk about the polar bears losing their homes, or massive deforestation, I’d go “Ow, that’s really bad” but end there.
That opinion changed after watching the video “Sharkwaters”. For once, I saw how such a beautiful and majestic species is being damaged for corporate benefits. Indeed, human greed knows no bounds.
I agree that raising awareness is an effective way of alleviating problems such as these. However, the way to raise awareness should not stop at figures and facts. Before, even if I had heard “hundreds of thousands of sharks die every hour”, I would not have been deeply moved to take action. Perhaps it is easier involve Western people, or people who have ingratiated into the Western culture.
But what about someone who’s grown up with strong Eastern influences, someone like me? This is where I think we need something to bridge an emotional connection between people and the environment. I do not mean to distort facts or somehow anthropomorphize animals, but really, once you realize the wondrous balance of Nature, it is difficult not to be devastated by what we have done to it. Education is key.
The problem is there, and I don’t know how we’ll ever solve it (or maybe we wouldn’t). But I do know that the next time there is a cause for environmental protection, I will support it. Perhaps the difference I make is negligible, but it’s the message that counts, isn’t it?